Conformation Handling

FALL BREAKHandling Classes for 2024 will end with the class on Wednesday, November 20, 2024 and resume on Wednesday, January 15, 2025.  

The Greater Fredericksburg Kennel Club classes are available to members and non-members.

Fee: $10 per dog – You may pay on the website ( or at the time of the class.

All dogs must have proof of rabies vaccination.

Puppies attending must have completed a full series of vaccinations as well as rabies.

You can make payment for classes via the online payment page

Duration: 1 hour practice session each week throughout the year unless otherwise noted

Conformation Handling is held every Wednesday night (unless otherwise noted) at Colonial K-9.  Please note that there will be no class if there is ice or snow during the winter months or severe weather during the other months.

Location: Colonial K-9 – 30 Big Springs Lane Stafford, Virginia, 22554 {Map & Directions}

Instructor: Instructor is Robert Rodenski and Helen Norton, qualified in conformation handling.

The class will consist of all aspects of handing in the conformation ring.

We look forward to seeing everyone.  Dog shows are happening so you want to be ready!